Each month, the Museum invites you to get to know the staff supporting our pillars to Honor, Connect, Inspire and Educate. Meet Connor Behm, our Group Sales Coordinator. Connor works with our Experience team to make sure groups have access to view the Museum, whether touring online or in-person.
Q: How have you connected to the Museum?
A: Having Graduated from Ohio State University with a degree in history, I have always wanted to work in a museum. That coupled with the fact that my grandfathers on both my mother’s and father’s side of the family served in the Korean war and WWII, respectively, has made working at NVMM a great way to work in a museum space while also honoring their service and sacrifices.
Q: What do you like to do when you aren’t working?
A: When I am not working, I like to work out/lift weights, go for runs, and watch movies with my roommate.
Q: What are three words that best describe you?
A: “I don’t know what to put here, so ‘indecisive’ is definitely one of them.”
Q: We feature a “What We’re Reading” section each month on our website as part of NVMM Reads. What are you reading right now?
A: I just finished reading “The Hobbit” by J.R.R. Tolkien, and am currently re-reading “Bread Givers” by Anzia Yezierska.
Q: What is your favorite place within the Museum?
A: My favorite place in the museum is the rooftop because of the amazing view of the city.
Q: What is your personal motto, or your favorite quote?
A: “I’m not much one for quotes” – Me