Each month, the Museum invites you to get to know the staff supporting our pillars to Honor, Connect, Inspire and Educate. Meet Sam, our Exhibitions Associate.

Q: How have you connected to the Museum?

A: I have always felt drawn to history. In particular, military history. My father and grandfather served in the Marine Corps and Navy, respectively, and it is an honor to remember them through my work at the Museum.

Q: If you weren’t in Exhibitions, what would you be doing?

A: Probably a novelist. For the past four years, I have been writing my own Dungeons and Dragons campaign, complete with a unique world and lore. Everyone keeps telling me that I should eventually turn the 1299-page document into a novel. We will just have to wait and see.

Q: What are three words that don’t describe you at all?

A: Brazen. Unorganized. Stern.

Q: We feature a “What We’re Reading” section on our website each month as part of NVMM Reads. What are you reading right now?

A: “Mass Effect: Deception.” I am a nerd and proud of it!

Q: What is your favorite place within the Museum?

A: The Memorial Grove. It’s peaceful to sit and watch the waterfall or listen to the breeze through the trees. I often find myself often taking little breaks just to be able to walk around the Grove all by myself.

Q: What fictional character do you relate best to and why?

A: Samwise Gamgee. The two of us not only share a nickname – Sam – but also a love for those closest to us and a determination to make sure they reach the end of their journey in one piece. We may never be the protagonist in an epic adventure, but we are the friend that will walk beside our loved ones into the fire. As the saying goes, “Everyone needs a Sam.”

Q: What’s your personal motto, or your favorite quote?

A: “Courage is found in unlikely places.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien

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The NVMM is Open on MLK Day!

$1 Admission on Jan. 16 in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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