Each month, the Museum invites you to get to know the staff supporting our pillars to Honor, Connect, Inspire and Educate. Meet Isabel Wening, our Membership Associate! Isabel dedicates all of her efforts, day in and day out, towards helping us build a truly national membership program.
Q: Where are you from in the world?
A: Toledo, Ohio!
Q: As a recent college graduate, how did you come to find your first career job with us here at the NVMM?
A: I can’t lie, graduating from college and starting my first job during the pandemic was a bit rough and not at all how I pictured it going. But I am glad that I now work for the NVMM! The team here at the NVMM is one of the best I have ever had the pleasure to work with. The organization purposefully sets out to create a positive and supportive working environment every day, and you don’t always get to see that.
Q: How have you connected to the Museum?
A: I have found that I really connected to the Museum by thinking about my grandfather. He served in WWII but unfortunately passed away before I had the opportunity to meet him or hear all about his Veteran experience. Coming into the Museum every day and hearing other Veterans’ stories makes me feel connected, not only to him but to this building as an amazing space that holds these valuable stories that aren’t always able to be told.
Q: Do you have a favorite place to visit in Columbus, besides the NVMM?
A: Anywhere that sells coffee! Some of my favorites are Roosevelt, Fox In The Snow, and Stauf’s. Bonus points for Stauf’s because they’re right next door to The Book Loft.
Q: We feature “What We’re Reading” each month on our website as part of NVMM Reads. What are you reading right now?
A: I just finished, And Then There Were None, by Agatha Christie. It is a true classic.
Q: If you could go back in time and meet anyone, who would it be?
A: I know it sounds weird but just hear me out! I would love to go back in time and meet the FBI agents who pioneered modern-day criminal profiling. There is something about getting into the minds of people that excites me. Maybe it also stems from one too many true-crime podcasts.
Q: What is your favorite space inside the Museum?
A: It’s not technically inside the Museum, but my favorite place would have to be the rooftop. It is very calm and relaxing; a great place to escape to.
Q: Tell us in 25-words or less why our readers should become a Museum member. Go!
A: Our readers should become a member because our Membership family and their constant support are what allows us to continue telling Veterans’ stories. (23!!)
Keep up the fantastic work and dedication, Isa!