Each month, the Museum invites you to get to know the staff supporting our pillars to Honor, Connect, Inspire and Educate. Meet Theresa Sanderell, our Guest Experience Supervisor.
Q: How have you connected to the Museum?
A: I was a volunteer on opening night when I was a senior in high school, and by summer of 2019 I was working part time at the front desk while in school. Museums and education are my passion, and the NVMM offered me an amazing opportunity to fulfill both passions as I finish my degree in History. While I have very few personal connections to the military, interacting with guests and hearing their stories is something that I look forward to each day at work. The connections I make with guests and community members is what drives my passion for museums and gives me an opportunity to help share stories of those who have served!
Q: What do you like to do when you aren’t working?
A: When I am not working or doing schoolwork, I am an avid hiker and documentary viewer. I have been known to answer work emails on my days off from the middle of a hike depending on my cell service!
Q: What are three words that best describe you?
A: Awkward. Authentic. Determined.
Q: We feature a “What We’re Reading” section on our website each month as part of NVMM Reads. What are you reading right now?
A: I have about 11 books I need to finish for this semester in school, so I don’t have much free time to read for leisure. However one of my books for school is titled “Interpreting Difficult History at Museums and History Sites,” and I’m enjoying it very much!
Q: What is your favorite place within the Museum?
A: My favorite place in the museum is the Remembrance Gallery and Rooftop. The space is incredibly humbling and allows for reflection which is something that I find myself doing often.
Q: What is your favorite place in the world?
A: Outside in nature is my go-to response because it is why I am such an avid hiker. If I had to name my favorite place to go, it would be Glacier National Park.
Q: What’s your personal motto, or your favorite quote?
A: “You belong among the wildflowers” -Tom Petty