National Vietnam War Veterans Day Partner Outreach Kit
Thank you for supporting the National Veterans Memorial and Museum (NVMM)! We appreciate your willingness to engage your employees and audiences with the NVMM around our National Vietnam War Veterans Day “Welcome Home” Ceremony on Friday, March 29, 2024, at 10 a.m. EDT. The ceremony will be conducted in-person for $5 museum admission and free online via YouTube and Facebook for anyone to see.
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Join us in-person for National Vietnam War Veterans Day
Commemorate National Vietnam War Veterans Day on March 29 with the @National Veterans Memorial and Museum’s annual Welcome Home Ceremony at 10 a.m. in their Great Hall. The keynote speaker will be Vietnam War Veteran Chief Master Sergeant Ray Snedegar, U.S. Air Force (Retired). Snedegar will share how he helped save the lives of 145 babies and 12 adults during Operation Babylift. Also, enjoy $5 museum admission all-day and connect with the stories of our nation’s Vietnam Veterans.
Reserve your in-person seat:
Commemorate National Vietnam War Veterans Day on March 29 with the @National Veterans Memorial and Museum’s annual Welcome Home Ceremony at 10 a.m. in their Great Hall. The keynote speaker will be Vietnam War Veteran Chief Master Sergeant Ray Snedegar, U.S. Air Force (Retired). Snedegar will share how he helped save the lives of 145 babies and 12 adults during Operation Babylift. Also, enjoy $5 museum admission all-day and connect with the stories of our nation’s Vietnam Veterans.
Reserve your in-person seat:
Join us @NationalVMM on #NationalVietnamWarVeteransDay (3/29) for a remarkable Welcome Home Ceremony at 10 a.m. featuring #VietnamWar Veteran Chief Master Sgt. Ray Snedegar, @usairforce (Retired).
Admission is just $5. Reserve your in-person seat:
Commemorate National Vietnam War Veterans Day on March 29 with the @nationalvmm’s annual Welcome Home Ceremony featuring keynote speaker, Vietnam War Veteran Chief Master Sergeant Ray Snedegar, U.S. Air Force (Retired). Snedegar will share how he helped save the lives of 145 babies and 12 adults during Operation Babylift.
Also, enjoy $5 museum admission all-day and connect with the stories of our nation’s Vietnam Veterans. To reserve your in-person seat, head to @nationalvmm’s link in bio.
Join us online for National Vietnam War Veterans Day
Join the @National Veterans Memorial and Museum online for their annual National Vietnam War Veterans Day Ceremony featuring keynote speaker, Vietnam War Veteran Chief Master Sergeant Ray Snedegar, U.S. Air Force (Retired). Snedegar will share how he helped save the lives of 145 babies and 12 adults during Operation Babylift. Following the ceremony, continue to honor our Vietnam Veterans on social media using #NVMM and #NationalVietnamWarVeteransDay.
Tune in at 10 a.m. on March 29:
Join the @National Veterans Memorial and Museum online for their annual National Vietnam War Veterans Day Ceremony featuring keynote speaker, Vietnam War Veteran Chief Master Sergeant Ray Snedegar, U.S. Air Force (Retired). Snedegar will share how he helped save the lives of 145 babies and 12 adults during Operation Babylift. Following the ceremony, continue to honor our Vietnam Veterans on social media using #NVMM and #NationalVietnamWarVeteransDay.
Tune in at 10 a.m. on March 29:
Commemorate #NationalVietnamWarVeteransDay online with the @NationalVMM’s Welcome Home Ceremony featuring keynote speaker, #VietnamWar Veteran Chief Master Sgt. Ray Snedegar, @usairforce (Retired).
Tune in at 10 a.m. on March 29:
Join the @nationalvmm online for their annual National Vietnam War Veterans Day Ceremony featuring keynote speaker, Vietnam War Veteran Chief Master Sergeant Ray Snedegar, U.S. Air Force (Retired). Snedegar will share how he helped save the lives of 145 babies and 12 adults during Operation Babylift. Following the ceremony, continue to honor our Vietnam Veterans on social media with #NVMM and #NationalVietnamWarVeteransDay.
Tune in at 10 a.m. on March 29 @nationalvmm’s Facebook, YouTube or LinkedIn channels. Head to their link in bio for more details.
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Ceremony Description
When: Friday, March 29, 2024
Where: In-Person at the Museum, and streamed online via YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Join us at the Museum on Vietnam War Veterans Day for a moving ceremony to welcome home Veterans, many of whom never received that honor after serving our country during the Vietnam War.
Our keynote speaker is Chief Master Sergeant Ray Snedegar, U.S. Air Force (Retired) who served for 32 years in the Air Force from 1958-1990. In 1975, Snedegar was assigned to help with the mission, Operation Babylift in Vietnam. He will share how he helped save the lives of 145 babies and 12 adults after his plane was attacked. In total, Operation Babylift evacuated more than 3,000 orphans from Saigon.

About Chief Master Sergeant Ray Snedegar, U.S. Air Force (Retired)
Snedegar, who was a loadmaster in the U.S. Air Force, was assigned to help with the mission, Operation Babylift in Vietnam. The first chartered Pan Am plane took off with 310 people on board. Under attack about 14 minutes into the flight, the plane malfunctioned and crashed. He helped evacuate 145 babies and 12 adults from the plane crash.
He retired in 1990 after 32-years of service. Throughout his career, he received 84 different awards and decorations including the Distinguished Flying Cross, Airman’s Medal of Heroism and 11 Air Medals. Snedegar continues to stay in touch with the approximately 25 of the orphan survivors from the plane crash and attends many of their reunions.
History of National Vietnam War Veterans Day
National Vietnam War Veterans Day was established in 2017 after the Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act was passed by Congress and signed into law by the President. It was created to show appreciation for our service members and military allies. While it is not a nationally designated holiday, Americans are encouraged to fly their flags and honor Vietnam War Veterans with “Welcome Home” ceremonies – the type of welcome home many of our Vietnam Veterans didn’t receive when they originally returned to the U.S.
March 29 was designated as Vietnam War Veterans Day in perpetuity since March 29, 1973, is the date our country’s last combat troops were withdrawn from Vietnam, United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, was disestablished and the last prisoners of war held in North Vietnam arrived on American soil.
Explore the stories of Captain Charlie Plumb, U.S. Navy (Retired) and Colonel Tom Moe, U.S. Air Force (Retired). Listen to their personal accounts of service and survival as POWs during the Vietnam War.
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