Each month, the Museum invites you to get to know the staff supporting our pillars to Honor, Connect, Inspire and Educate. Meet Jen, Master Sgt., U.S. Army (Retired), Deputy Chief of Staff and NVMM Yoga Instructor.
Q: What is your favorite place in the Museum and why?
A: The Memorial Grove. It is a beautiful outdoor space behind the Museum that inspires reflection and remembrance. I love spending time there and always leave feeling more peaceful and fulfilled than when I arrived.
Q: You are our NVMM Yoga instructor; how has your wellness journey impacted your life your life?
A: I love how this question includes the word “journey” because it truly is just that. We never arrive and knowing that is so important. That being said, my wellness journey has allowed me to give myself permission – permission to try things I probably wouldn’t have otherwise, permission to acknowledge what worked for me yesterday might not work today and permission to invest in myself knowing that I can’t pour from an empty cup.
Q: What is your go-to advice to help someone be in and enjoy the present moment?
A: Slow down, take 10 intentional deep breaths and invite yourself to notice something you wouldn’t have otherwise in this moment (perhaps a particular sight, smell, taste or feeling). Notice what shifts in the way your body feels or your energy.
Q: What are three words that best describe you?
A: Supportive. Determined. Life-long Learner.
Q: What is something that no one would believe about you?
A: 8+ hours of sleep is a non-negotiable for me. Nothing and no one trumps sleep for me.
Q: We feature an #NVMMReads recommendation every month, what is a book that you think everyone should have on their “must-read” list?
A: “The 5 Love Languages” by Gary Chapman is definitely a must read. Relationships matter! Understanding how those you care about need to be loved is a game changer. Just as important is knowing how you need to be loved, which could be much different than what others think you need.
Q: What was the last movie you watched?
A: “Encanto” with my youngest daughter.
Q: What are your go-to karaoke songs?
A: I don’t have one because I don’t karaoke (trust me, this is a good thing)!