During this extraordinary time, we want to share inspirational stories about our nations’ Veterans – the men and women who met extraordinary circumstances in their service to country – and inspired others through their bravery and commitment to something greater than themselves. We would like to hear from you about Veterans who have made a difference during their military service as well as when they returned to civilian life. We are collecting short stories – no more than 500 words – to share on our website and through social media.
Instructions: Please email your story, along with any photos you have to: stories@nationalvmm.org. At this time, we are able to take short videos, 30 seconds or less in MP3 format, from a cell phone too. Please include the following information:
- Veteran’s first and last name
- When they served
- Branch of service
- Rank
- Current hometown
- Your name and email address (Person submitting content)
We will confirm with you if we are able to use your story. Thank you for your consideration. Your story or the stories of your loved ones, friends or neighbors can be a beacon of light for others.
Explore More Stories
Service Inspires Advocacy at Home
Service Inspires Direction for Life
Captain Eddie Rickenbacker: An Inspiring Story of Determination and Survival
Lessons from Our Greatest Generation
Montel Williams: Inspiring Story of Service
Serving Others is a Way of Life
Reaching for the Stars: Pam Melroy’s Inspiring Story of Service