Black History Month

During Black History Month, we are sharing the experiences, challenges and triumphs of Black American Veterans by telling their stories. Check back each week during February for new content. This month, and every month, we honor Veterans for their courage, sacrifice and perseverance with thanks for our freedoms.

Inspiring Story of Service: Serbennia Davis

In honor of Black History Month, we connect you to the inspiring story of service from U.S. Army Veteran and photojournalist, Serbennia Davis. She shares her path to the Army and what Black History Month means to her.

A Conversation with a Tuskgee Airman

We welcomed Col. Harold Brown (Retired), one of the famed Tuskegee Airmen, for our February Virtual Rally Point. Now in his 90s, Brown told his mother when he was in the sixth grade during segregation that he would become a military fighter pilot. Col. Brown will share his experience as a member of the Red Tailed Angels escorting bombers over Europe as well as being shot down and held as a POW in Germany. He and 25,000 other prisoners were rescued by forces led by Gen. George S. Patton on April 29, 1945.

A Conversation with Black Vetrepreneurs

We welcomed U.S. Army Veterans James Howell of BK Smokehouse, Jeff Price of PLAN Logistics Solutions and Sizzle of Crafted Culture Brewery, for a conversation about the impact of military service on their drive to build businesses. Join us for the journey of transition from military service to business owner.

Trailblazers in Leadership

We welcomed Lt. General (Retired) Nadja West, the 44th Surgeon General of the U.S. Army. Learn how she led the way as the highest ranking woman to have graduated from the United States Military Academy, the first black female major general in Army Medicine, and the first Army black female lieutenant general.

The 30th Anniversary of Desert Storm

We welcomed Gen. Colin L. Powell, U.S. Army (Retired) to share his insights on the 30th anniversary of the U.S. and Coalition victory in Operation Desert Storm. The “Powell Doctrine,” formed during the Vietnam War, guided U.S. military intervention through Operation Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom in Afghanistan and Iraq respectively.

Civil War Veterans

In honor of Black History Month, Museum Educator Taylor Shaw shares the story of U.S. Navy Veteran Siah Hulett Carter who served on the USS Monitor during the Civil War. You can also learn more in our 2021 blog post: Siah Hulett Carter: USS Monitor Sailor.

WWI and WWII Veterans

During World War I, thousands of African Americans joined the fight to defend their country. These heroes risked their lives for a country that refused to admit that they deserved the same equal opportunities and rights as their fellow white soldiers.

Museum Educator Samantha Brooks expands on Corporal Freddie Stowers’ inspiring story in our 2021 blog, World War I Medal of Honor Recipient: Corporal Freddie Stowers.

TUES-SUN 10 A.M. - 5 P.M.
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The NVMM is Open on MLK Day!

$1 Admission on Jan. 16 in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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